Monday, June 22, 2009

Great letter on Glenn Beck program

I listen to Glenn Beck on occasion. Last week he read a great letter from a woman in Arizona who is tired of the two political parties. What she says is fantastic. Here is the first paragraph:
I’m a home grown American citizen, 53, registered Democrat all my life. Before the last presidential election I registered as a Republican because I no longer felt the Democratic Party represents my views or works to pursue issues important to me. Now I no longer feel the Republican Party represents my views or works to pursue issues important to me. The fact is I no longer feel any political party or representative in Washington represents my views or works to pursue the issues important to me. There must be someone. Please tell me who you are. Please stand up and tell me that you are there and that you’re willing to fight for our Constitution as it was written. Please stand up now. You might ask yourself what my views and issues are that I would horribly feel so disenfranchised by both major political parties. What kind of nut job am I? Will you please tell me?

Read the whole thing here and an interview he has with the author here.

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