Saturday, July 23, 2011

How verbal are you?

Here is a vocabulary test I tried out, and was surprised at how well I did: Test Your Vocabulary.  You get two lists of words- the first tests your broad vocabulary level, with words like; the second your narrow vocabulary.  I am in the 45th percentile for adults over 18 years, with a vocab of around 26,000 words.  I did not think I was that verbal.

How well can you do?  Try it, then come back and brag about (or humbly admit) your score.

HT: First Thoughts blog


Teresa said...

Sorry Peter, I think there is a misprint in your post. It says "I did not think I was that verbal."

Peter L said...

Um, sis, it means I don't know a lot of words, though I know how to use the ones I know with frequency. ;)

Hannah said...

21,400--a little behind you.

Paul Wynn said...

My vocab is terrible. I need help. And I call myself a blogger =(....


Modesty Press said...


I read a lot as a child and still do. I sometimes embarassed myself by using words I understood but did not know how to pronounce (including once saying an improper word incorrectly, which I won't repeat here, though I know know how to say it).